In recent years, increasing drought events due to climate change have led to water scarcity issues in Taiwan, severely impacting the economy and ecosystems. Understanding drought is crucial. This study used Landsat 8 satellite imagery, rainfall, and temperature data to calculate four drought indices, including the Temperature Vegetation Dryness Index (TVDI), improved Temperature Vegetation Dryness Index (iTVDI), Normalized Difference Drought Index (NDDI), and Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI), to investigate spatiotemporal drought variations in the Choushui River Alluvial Fan over the past decade. The findings revealed differences between TVDI and iTVDI in mountainous areas, with iTVDI showing higher accuracy based on soil moisture data. Correlation analysis indicated that drought severity increased with decreasing rainfall or vegetation. The study highlights the significant role of vegetation and precipitation in influencing drought conditions, providing valuable insights for water resource management.