The emotional impact of sound depends on its characteristics. Given that such characteristics can be modified when the sound is played in a room, it is crucial to examine how the acoustic characteristic of a room can impact the emotional experience. Researchers have investigated the links between the acoustic parameters of concert halls and the emotional impact; however, the applicability of such links to other building types, such as worship spaces, needs to be studied. In a previous study, the author analyzed the emotional response to the acoustic environments of worship spaces using self-report and physiological indicators. This paper builds on the previous work by analyzing the acoustic parameters of the buildings from the previous study and establishing links between such parameters and the emotional response indicators. It also analyzes the frequency domain to study the role of the interaction between the room and sound source in enhancing the emotional experience and introduces resonance quality (Q) and resonance width (Δf) as important parameters to consider in room acoustics. The results showed the significance of considering frequencies < 1000 Hz in analyzing the acoustics of the studied worship spaces and demonstrated that amplifying the dominant frequency range of the sound source was linked to enhancing the emotional experience.