The relevance of key conclusions obtained from a tracer test performed at the Base Borden research site in Canada to solvent contamination in the UK is indicated. The tracer test represented a world unique opportunity to study groundwater contamination arising from a known DNAPL source zone in a natural aquifer environment. The test involved the controlled emplacement of a source zone of residual solvent DNAPL (dense non-aqueous phase liquid) below the water table from which a dissolved plume of chlorinated solvents developed. Significant data were collected on DNAPL dissolution, plume transport and remediation. Conclusions from the test are shown to be relevant to the development, investigation and remediation of solvent contamination in UK aquifers.RIVETT, M. O., FEENSTRA, S. ~; Cherry, J. A. 1998. The relevance of a DNAPL-tracer test conducted at Base Borden Canada to solvent groundwater contamination in the UK.