The variation in the mineral composition and availability of minerals to the chick from seven samples of rapeseed meal were studied. Results showed limited variation in the Ca, P, and Mg content with an average of .65%, 1.22%, and .50%, respectivley. However, the range of variation in Mn was from 49 to 67 mg/kg, Fe was 110 to 180 mg/kg, Cu was 10 to 33 mg/kg, and Zn was 49 to 64 mg/kg in the meals tested.Mineral availability results showed significant differences for each element (Ca, P, Mg, Mn, Cu, and Zn) between the seven rapeseed meals tested. Availability for Ca was 59.7 to 75.6%, P was 65.0 to 81.0%, Mg was 52.5 to 66.5%, Mn was 45.5 to 60.0%, Cu was 62.2 to 85.0%, and Zn was 23.0 to 57.6%. Span A rapeseed meal showed the lowest availability of all minerals tested except Cu, which was lowest in the commercial sample.1980 Poultry Science 59:155-158