Introduction: This study proves that the procedure of inspecting road traffic accident black spots (RTA BS) needs improvement. This improvement is to involve the tools and insights associated with the targeted program approach, as well as a road infrastructure indicator system, and information technology tools. The creation of a road infrastructure indicator system and its comprehensive application, coupled with analytical methods and accident prediction system methods, enables the assessment of measures aimed at reducing the number of RTAs. Accounting for information technology tools and systems (such as the digital traffic safety inquiries desk) is also necessary if traffic safety is to be organized and maintained in a systemic way. Purpose of the study: The study is aimed at finding a new approach to improving the procedure of inspecting RTA black spots. Methods: In the course of the study, we use systemic analysis, analytical methods, traffic safety evaluation based on defining the safety and accident coefficients and revealing RTA black spots, probability theory methods, research results processing, and IT computational methods. Results: We provide a rationale for a comprehensive approach to inspecting RTA black spots within the "traffic participant-vehicle-road-external environment" system. We also demonstrate how a group of parameters can be used for studying the systemic indicators of road infrastructure, in the context of the parameters' characteristics, as well as the conditions of their use. We determine the capabilities of analytical methods, as well as accident prediction methods, in the context of finding an approach to improving the procedure of inspecting RTA black spots. We propose applying a comprehensive approach to the improvement of the RTA BS inspection procedure.