This paper describes a computational study to understand the roll behavior of a canardcontrolled projectile. Numerical computations were performed for this projectile with roll control maneuvers using advanced computational fluid dynamics and coupled aerodynamics/rigid body dynamics techniques. Roll control algorithms were formulated based on aerodynamic model assessment and parameter estimation. Coupled techniques were validated against wind tunnel experiments for roll control maneuvers. Overall, computed roll control results matched well with the wind tunnel test data; this indicated that the coupled calculations seem to capture the relevant physics observed in the experiment.
, ,= roll, roll rate, roll acceleration, rad, rad/s, rad/s 2 = axial moment-of-inertia, kg m 2 = mass, kg = diameter, m 4 = reference area, m 2 = velocity, m/s = Mach number , , , = pitch angle of attack, yaw angle of attack, total angle of attack, aerodynamic roll angle, rad = atmospheric density, kg/m 3 1 2 = dynamic pressure, Pa , , = body-fixed coordinate system = roll damping moment coefficient = radial center-of-pressure, calibers = axial center-of-pressure, calibers = center-of-gravity, calibers = roll moment coefficient = number = deflection, rad 2 ⁄ = velocity of projectile center-of-gravity, m/s ⁄ = angular velocity of projectile, rad/s = transformation matrix from body frame to i th lifting surface frame = time constant, s , , , = state, controls, measurement, error vector , , , = system dynamics, controls, forcing function, measurement matrices = cost function = gain matrix , = control error and control effort matrices = Riccati equation matrix = time, s , = aerodynamic roll moment, friction moment, N m = parameter matrix = likelihood function = covariance = error between measurement and calculation , , , = conservative variables, inviscid flux vector, viscous flux vector, source term , = cell volume, cell area Θ = observability map f = factor = Levenberg-Marquardt parameter subscripts= canard, calculated, command = fin = aerodynamic = i th lifting surface 0, 1, 3, 5 = zeroeth, first, third, fifth order terms = delay = bias = maneuver surface, measurement = friction