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Cover imageThe cover image shows the Pisces VI deep-sea research submersible, which provides access to the deep ocean to study marine ecosystems. The related article by Alex David Rogers & Eva Ramirez-Llodra (pp. 10-37) shows how quantitative sampling methods and deep submergence technologies, as well as advances in fields such as acoustics and marine navigation, are enabling deep-sea exploration of marine ecosystems. The Nippon Foundation Nekton Ocean Census programme is an important initiative to accelerate the discovery of marine life. Photo: Nekton Foundation.
Open Access PolicyThis journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
About the JournalThe International Hydrographic Review (IHR) is an international scientific journal publishing peer-reviewed papers on all aspects of hydrography and associated subjects, ranging from the latest technical developments and significant events to book reviews and historical recollections. The IHR was first published in 1923 and since then has been published regularly.