Despite the rapidly increasing number of organisms with sequenced genomes, there is no existing resource that simultaneously contains information about genome sequences and the optimal growth conditions for a given species. In the absence of such a resource, we cannot immediately sort genomic sequences by growth conditions, making it difficult to study how organisms and biological molecules adapt to distinct environments. To address this problem, we have created a database called GSHC (Genome Sequences: Hot, Cold, and everything in between). This database, available at, brings together information about the genomic sequences and optimal growth temperatures for 25,324 species, including ~89% of the bacterial species with known genome sequences. Using this database, it is now possible to readily compare genomic sequences from thousands of species and correlate variations in genes and genomes with optimal growth temperatures, at the scale of the entire tree of life. The database interface allows users to retrieve protein sequences sorted by optimal growth temperature for their corresponding species, providing a tool to explore how organisms, genomes, and individual proteins and nucleic acids adapt to certain temperatures. We hope that this database will contribute to medicine and biotechnology by helping to create a better understanding of molecular adaptations to heat and cold, leading to new ways to preserve biological samples, engineer useful enzymes, and develop new biological materials and organisms with the desired tolerance to heat and cold.