The flavivirus NS2B-NS3(pro)teinase is an essential element in the proteolytic processing of the viral precursor polyprotein and therefore a potential drug target. Recently, crystal structures and substrate preferences of NS2B-NS3pro from Dengue and West Nile viruses (DV and WNV) were determined. We established that the presence of Gly-Gly at the P1-P2 positions is optimal for cleavage by WNV NS3pro, whereas DV NS3pro tolerates well the presence of bulky residues at either P1 or P2. Structure-based modeling suggests that Arg 76 and Pro 131 -Thr 132 limit the P1-P2 subsites and restrict the cleavage preferences of the WNV enzyme. In turn, Leu 76 and Lys 131 -Pro 132 widen the specificity of DV NS3pro. Guided by these structural models, we expressed and purified mutant WNV NS2B-NS3pro and evaluated cleavage preferences by using positional scanning of the substrate peptides in which the P4-P1 and the P3-P4 positions were fixed and the P1 and P2 positions were each randomized. We established that WNV R76L and P131K-T132P mutants acquired DV-like cleavage preferences, whereas T52V had no significant effect. Our work is the first instance of engineering a viral proteinase with switched cleavage preferences and should provide valuable data for the design of optimized substrates and substrate-based selective inhibitors of flaviviral proteinases.Dengue and West Nile viruses (DV and WNV) are members of the flavivirus genus within the Flaviviridae family. Four distinct, but structurally similar, serotypes represent DV (13). Flaviviruses are transmitted to animals, including humans, by either mosquito or tick bites. Flaviviruses are encoded by a single-strand, positive-sense, 11-kb RNA genome, which serves as an mRNA for protein synthesis and as a template for RNA replication in the host cell. There are three structural proteins (C, prM, and E) and seven nonstructural proteins (NS1, NS2A, NS2B, NS3, NS4A, NS4B, and NS5) encoded by the viral genome (21). Proteinases of the host (furin and secretase) and of the virus [NS3 serine (pro)teinase (NS3pro)] are required for the complete processing of the polyprotein precursor and its transformation into mature viral proteins (4,27,31,34). Full-length NS3 is a bifunctional protein: its N-terminal and C-terminal portions encode the NS3pro domain and the helicase (NS3hel) domain, respectively (33, 35). NS3pro is responsible for cleavage of the capsid protein C, as well as the boundaries between NS2A/NS2B, NS2B/NS3, NS3/NS4A, NS4A/ NS4B, and NS4B/NS5 (6, 24).NS2B is an essential cofactor of NS3pro, and it is located immediately upstream in the polyprotein precursor (5, 9, 25, 26). The NS2B sequence includes three to four transmembrane helices that anchor the NS2B-NS3 heterodimer to the endoplasmic reticulum membrane. In vitro, the cofactor activity of the 35-to 48-residue central portion of NS2B is approximately equivalent to that of the entire NS2B sequence (11,12,19). Mutations in the NS3pro cleavage motifs in the polyprotein precursor abolish viral infectivity (2). These characteris...