Abstra(-l -The iiur]K)sc of the present study was to assess the quality of sihcr amalgam rcstotations rcndcicd by Israeli dentsists, yXgioupoi 433 new-arnn-recruits, 18-20 years of age was selected foithe study, A total ol 707 amalgam restorations were examined in an army dental clinic, iinder standardized conditions by the same obserxer. The quality ot amalgam rcslorations was assessed according to an index devised for this pur|josc. The t|nality of restorations was relatively \o\\\ .'\pproximatcl\' two-thirds of the fillings cxhiliitcd satisfactory quality when marginal adajjtation ol the filling" material was examined. Thrcc-lilths of the fillings followed the principles ot extension lor picvention, A relatively high percentage (75%) of the lillitigs did not cxtetid bcs'ond the ca\ osuifacc margin at any ]joinl or did not fall short of it. However, in only 47% of all fillings was appropt-iatc occlusion rcstotx'd. The fillings were lound to be porous in about t)0% of the cases and almost none of the fillings were [jolished. Overhangs were detected in about oiic-c]uarlci-of the restoratioirs (22,8%); inflammatorv' reactions of the gingival tissue were noticeable in more than half of the cases (51,3 %), An allcmpt was nradc lo study the various characteiistics of ihc amalgam filling as calcgorizcd by the index presented in this study, and discuss its elleit on the filling s ovciall quality. It was suggested that lack ol standardization of pcrfornrance levels in Israel is rellccled, in part, in the observed low quality of amalgam restorations. The conclusions of this invesligalion poitit to intcrventiorrs which can be initiated through the dental educatioti, financing and public health plarrning sectors ol the society, to increa,sc awareness of this problem and define specific inlervcnlions lo improve the quality of rcstoralive denial care delivered in general praiticc irr Israel,