A Ibrmt, lation for the thermodynanlic properties of cyclohexane is presented. The equation is valid for single-phase and saturation states from the melting line to 700 K at pressures up to 80 MPa. It includes aft, ndamental equation explicit in reduced Hel,nholtz energy with independent variables of reduced density and temperature. The functional form and coefficients of the ancillary equations were determined by weighted linear regression analyses of evahmted experimental data. An adaptive regression algorithm was t, sed to determine the final eqt,atinn. To ensure correct thermodynanlic behavior of the Helmholtz energy surface, the coefficients of the fundamental equation were determined with multiproperty fitting. Pressure-density-temperature I P-p-T} and isobaric heat capacity [C~, P-TI data were used to develop the fundamental equation. Saturation P-p-T valt, es, calculated from the estimating functions, were used to enst, re thermodynamic consistency at the wlpor-liquid phase boundary. Separate fnnctions were used for the vapor pressure, satt, rated liquid density, satt, rated vapor density, ideal-gas heat capacity, and pressure on the melting curve. Comp~,risons between experimental dat~, and values calculated using the fundamental equation are given to verify the accuracy of the formulation. The formulation given here may be used to calculate densities within +0.1 °~,b, heat capacities to within +2"/0. and speed of sound to within + I%, except near the critical point.