Omega-Ducera LFC yielded the statistically highest mean bond strength values, and the lowest biaxial strength values. All values were within the reported bond strength values for resin repair. All the tested groups showed significantly lower values compared to the initial biaxial strength mean values of the Omega ceramic; however, two of the tested ULFC (Vision, Finesse), recorded means that were statistically equal to the resin-ceramic direct subgroup. Duceram LFC showed the lowest values, probably due to its totally glass composition, which showed low strength values of the repaired specimens. The recorded bond and biaxial values suggest that indirect repair of fractured LFC using some ULFC ceramics may offer an alternative solution to the traditional direct resin repair method; however, the choice of the used ceramic should be one containing some leucite crystals. Further studies are needed to investigate the long-term performance of the proposed repair treatment.