Along with a rapid growth of cloud computing technology and its deep application in Agriculture Intelligent Information System, Agriculture Industry information security and privacy has become a highlight of the issue about Agriculture Cloud Information System. Encrypting is a conventional information security means, however, hitherto almost all encryption scheme cannot support the operation based on cipher-text. As a result, it is a difficult to build up the corporate and individual information security and privacy-securing in the information system based on cloud computing platform. In order to construct the information security and privacy of cloud computing infrastructure, down to the practicality of Agriculture Information System the project crew brings forward An Innovative Encryption Method for Agriculture Intelligent Information System based on Cloud Computing Platform, OCEVMO for short, which takes root in the theory of matrix, and supports a series of cipher-text-operation essential to build a secure communication protocol between user, owner and cloud server. Beside the conventional encryption-decryption operation, OCEVMO implements 4 operations of cipher-textnumerical-value data such as adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing. Theoretical analysis and experimental performance estimation demonstrates that OCEVMO is of IND-CCA security, capable of performing crypo-function with a moderate speed. Its favorable versatile performance gives promise of the interactive operation Securing corporateindividual privacy in the area of Agriculture Intelligent Information System.