Sulfur-cycling microorganisms are fundamental agents in sedimentary pyrite formation. The compounds that form pyrite include iron monosulfide (FeS), hydrogen sulfide (H 2 S), and polysulfide (S n 2−) (Butler et al., 2004), which are formed and consumed by microbially catalyzed reactions (sulfate reduction, sulfide oxidation, and elemental sulfur disproportionation) along with abiotic reactions. However, the role of microbes in pyrite precipitation also likely extends beyond simply generating the necessary reactant compounds (Picard et al., 2016;Wacey et al., 2015). For example, pyrite formation proceeds in some cases via the activity of microbial consortia (Thiel Abstract Sedimentary pyrite records are essential for reconstructing paleoenvironmental conditions, but these records may be affected by seasonal fluctuations in oxygen concentration and temperature, which can impact bioturbation, sulfide fluxes, and distributions of sulfide oxidizing microbes (SOMs). To investigate how seasonal oxygen stress influences surficial (<2 cm) pyrite formation, we measured time-series concentrations and sulfur isotope (δ 34 S) compositions of pyrite sulfur along with those of potential precursor compounds at a bioturbated shoal site and an oxygen-deficient channel site in Chesapeake Bay. We also measured radioisotope depth profiles to estimate sedimentation rates and bioturbation intensities. Results show that net pyrite precipitation was restricted to summer and early autumn at both sites. Pyrite concentration was higher and apparently more responsive to precursor compound concentration at the mildly bioturbated site than at the non-bioturbated site. This disparity may be driven by differences in the dominant SOM communities between the two sites. Despite this, the sites' similar pyrite δ 34 S values imply that changes in SOM communities have limited effects on surficial pyrite δ 34 S values here. However, we found that pyrite δ 34 S values are consistently and anomalously lower than coeval precursor compounds at both sites. A steady-state model demonstrates that equilibrium position-specific isotope fractionation (PSIF) effects in the S 8 -polysulfide pool can create a 4.3-7.3‰ gap between δ 34 S values of pyrite and zero-valent sulfur. This study suggests that SOM communities may have distinct effects on pyrite accumulation in seasonally dynamic systems, and that PSIF in the polysulfide pool may leave an imprint in pyrite isotope records.Plain Language Summary Formation of the iron sulfide mineral pyrite in sediments has contributed to long-term oxygen accumulation on Earth, and pyrite's sulfur isotope composition in ancient sediments offers a lens onto low-oxygen intervals in Earth's past. However, seasonal environmental changes in low-oxygen waters can lead to complex relationships between animal burrowing activity, microbial processing of sulfur compounds, and the formation of pyrite. To understand controls on pyrite accumulation and sulfur isotope composition under seasonally dynamic, low-oxygen waters, we analyzed shal...