After a long journey full of joys, disappointments, surprises and effort, I present this thesis work. Although the completion of my PhD studies has been the main priority these five years, it has not always been possible to dedicate sufficient time. Yet I am very satisfied with the work done and I want to express my sincere gratitude to the people without whom the completion of this work would not have been possible.First of all, I thank my advisor, Tomás Robles, for leading me through this adventure, giving me his guidance and advice, as well as bringing me courage and hopes with the results. Tomás always says that "the PhD is a long distance race, and it is oneself who has to push". However, he has helped me stay strong throughout the race, thanks to his confidence and experience.I also thank the members of my research group GISAI, from the Department of Telematics Engineering, for sharing concerns, laughs, and ideas and for working together in the same direction. Special thanks to Augusto, Sergio, Diego, Edwin and Héctor, without overlooking Angelines Villar, for all the paperwork she helped me doing, from the department secretary, always with patience and kindness.Well-deserved thanks to all the teachers I've had the pleasure to work with during this period, Carlos Ángel and Mercedes, as well as teachers from other schools who have given me their trust, Miguel Ángel Manso and Manolo Cortijo.Of course, I must acknowledge the push and support of all my friends over the last few years, with which Iʹve shared long afternoons and evenings playing Catán, Party and all the Just Dance games ever published.Finally, I dedicate this thesis to my family. To my parents Ramón and Rosa, for their unconditional support, help and sacrifice throughout my life, especially the student one, and to my brother Andrés, for his advice and good company. I cannot help but express my sincere thanks to my princess, for her patience, trust and her great devotion and love.Madrid, November 2013 vi vii
AgradecimientosTras un largo camino lleno de alegrías, decepciones, sorpresas y esfuerzo, presento este proyecto de tesis. Aunque la finalización del doctorado ha sido la principal prioridad es estos cinco años, no siempre ha sido posible dedicarle el tiempo suficiente. Aun así estoy muy satisfecho con el trabajo realizado y quiero expresar mi sincera gratitud a las personas sin las cuales la finalización de este trabajo no habría sido posible.En primer lugar, agradecer a mi director de tesis, Tomás Robles, el haberme conducido a través de esta aventura, proporcionándome su guía y consejo, además de infundirme ánimos e ilusiones con los resultados. Tomás siempre dice que "el doctorado es una carrera de fondo, y que es uno mismo el que tiene que empujar". Sin embargo, él me ha ayudado a conservar la fuerza durante toda la carrera, gracias a su confianza y a su experiencia.Agradecer también a los miembros de mi grupo de investigación GISAI, del Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas Telemáticos, por compartir inquietudes, risas, ideas y trabajar...