The architectures of the operational amplifiers (OA), implemented on the basis on bipolar and field (JFET) transistors, are offered. Their feature -the use of transistors operating on different physical principles, precision in the input circuits of differential stages (DS). This allows you to set a static DS mode due to the choice of the geometric dimensions of fieldeffect transistors and to exclude from structure of the classical sources of the reference current. The circuit engineering and the basic circuits of inclusion of the differential difference operational amplifiers (DDA), based on the analog gate-array master chip AGAMC (OJSC "Integral", Minsk) with low offset voltages, are provided. Parameters and topology of the experimental chip of OA of this class (IC-3) oriented on use in the sensor systems of responsible application are given.Keywords-Bi-FET technology, differential difference operational amplifier; the single-ended differential stage (DS)