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ABSTRACTThis document summarizes the results of 3 and 1/2 years of work by our team on the basic physics and technology required for the development of Colloid Thrusters (also called more recently Electrospray Thrusters). The research covered the basic physics of operation in the mixed ion-droplet mode, later extended to the newly discovered pure ionic mode, the microfabrication in Silicon of two types of arrays of colloid or electrospray emitters, and the development of a quantitative theory for the colloidal regime (no ions). This Executive Summary describes briefly the various achievements, with reference to our interim Reports and to our publications. Special emphasis is placed on the results that were obtained during the one-year extension (2004), which were not covered in our interim reports. The Theses, published papers and Conference papers for 2004 are enclosed in a companion CD disk; earlier Theses and publications were similarly attached to previous Reports.