ABSTRAYfThe principle concerning the substitution of the measuring resolution of night vision system in laboratory for the field detecting objective distance test is elaborated in this paper. A method concerning the substitution of the measuring resolution with the low illumiiiation and the high contrast of night vision system in laboratory for the field detecting objective distance test is given. But the method has some shortcomings. A new improving conceivability is proposed. A physical model for the conceivabffity and a performable scheme for it is given. Theoretical analysis shows that the new scheme will have a greatly improved creditability for the evaluation of detecting objective distance of it.Keywords: measurement in laboratory; night vision system; detecting objective distance.
DTRODUc11ONSince night vision system came out, people have been caring about the problem of its detecting objective abifity. On the one band, scholars in many countries make effort to enhance the detecting objective ability of night vision system, specially for the enhancement of the performance'1113' and the re1iability41t01 of night vision device. On the other hand, they search with an effort for the estimation methods71"83 concerning the substitution for the field detecting objective distance test of night vision system. Because the ability of the detecting objective distance of night vision system is related to many factors, moreover, the atmospheric conditions of the night sky are intricate and volatile, therefore, it presents a great puzzle for people exactly to evaluate detecting objective distance of night vision system.In this paper according to the imaging characteristics of night vision system, the principle concerning the substitution of the measuring resolution of it in laboratory for the field detecting objective distance test is elaborated. A method concerning the substitution of the measuring resolution with the low illwnination and the high contrast of night vision system in laboratory for the field detecting objective distance test is presented. Theoretical analysis and statistical figures of many experiments show that the method has some shortcomings, therefore, the judging accuracy of detecting objective ability of it isn't very good. Through theoretical analysis, a new improving conceivability is proposed, a physical model for the conceivability is given.
MEASUREMENT PRINCIPLEAccording to the equations for the detecting objective ability of night vision system given by F. G. Blackler171, following equations are given.