A software package has been developed and implemented on a BBC microcomputer system which allows borehole data to be entered into disc files and full borehole logs, including both graphical and textual components, to be prepared automatically from the stored data. The operator can select the required format and scale from a menu of standard options or can set up any required special layout. Any required scale can be selected and log headings may be printed in either the English or French language. Once a set of data has been entered into a disc file, the information can be replotted at will to any required format and scale. Thus, after having prepared a detailed log at say 1:50 scale, the same data can be replotted as a summary log at, for example, 1:200 for direct inclusion in an interpretative drawing and as a simplified log at 1:100 scale.
Detailed borehole logs can be prepared using the computer system with man-hour inputs of around 300f those required to prepare similar logs manually. Overall cost savings increase dramatically if there is a need to replot the same data to produce summary or simplified logs as would be required for the preparation of interpretative reports and drawings.