“…2 While early studies determined that the compressive strength of a single, isolated lamina can be determined by a knowledge of the lamina shear nonlinearity in the stress-strain response, in tandem with a knowledge of initial fiber misalignment, 3 , 4 it was later determined through a combination of experiments and numerical modeling that the kink band formation is an evolutionary process, which is governed by local stress state (including stress multi-axiality), details of the material constitutive model and the fiber misalignment angles as explained in papers by Sun and Jun, 5 Kyriakides et al, 6 Lee and Waas, 7 Vogler et al, 8 Yerramalli and Waas, 9 Yerramalli and Waas, 10 Basu et al, 11 Pimenta et al, 12 , 13 Feld et al 14 As loading proceeds, regions of fiber misalignment in the lamina undergo deformation due to combined compression and shear loading. This region is surrounded by other material whose deformation characteristics, in general, are different.…”