During the last 25 to 30 yr , micromodels have been increasingly used to study the behavior of fl uids inside microstructures in various research areas. Studies have included chemical, biological, and physical applica ons. Micromodels have proven to be a valuable tool by enabling us to observe the fl ow of fl uids and transport of solutes within the pore space. They have helped to increase our insight into fl ow and transport phenomena on both micro-and macro-scales. In this review, we have considered only the applica on of micromodels in the study of two-phase fl ow in porous media. Various methods exist for genera ng pa erns used in micromodels. These include perfectly regular pa erns, par ally regular pa erns, fractal pa erns, and irregular pa erns. Various fabrica on methods and materials are used in making micromodels, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. The major fabrica on methods include: Hele-Shaw; glass beads; op cal lithography; wet, dry, and laser or plasma etching; stereo lithography, and so lithography. The distribu on of phases in micromodels can be visualized using (confocal) microscopes, digital cameras, or their combina on. Micromodels have been applied to the study of twophase displacement processes, measurements of fl uid-fl uid interfacial area and phase satura on, measurements of rela ve permeability, and the study of enhanced oil recovery.