Structural deformation and collapse in metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) can lead to loss of long-range order, making it a challenge to model these amorphous materials using conventional computational methods. In this work, we show that a structure-property map consisting of simulated data for crystalline MOFs can be used to indirectly obtain adsorption properties of structurally deformed MOFs. The structure-property map (with dimensions such as Henry coefficient, heat of adsorption, and pore volume) was constructed using a large data set of over 12000 crystalline MOFs from molecular simulations. By mapping the experimental data points of deformed SNU-200, MOF-5, and Ni-MOF-74 onto this structure-property map, we show that the experimentally deformed MOFs share similar adsorption properties with their nearest neighbor crystalline structures. Once the nearest neighbor crystalline MOFs for a deformed MOF are selected from a structure-property map at a specific condition, then the adsorption properties of these MOFs can be successfully transformed onto the degraded MOFs, leading to a new way to obtain properties of materials whose structural information is lost.metal-organic framework | deformation | structure-property map | Monte Carlo simulation | transferability I n the past decade, a large number of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) have been synthesized for various energy and environmental-related applications (1-3). However, there are many potential drawbacks to these materials that need to be addressed before they can be deployed in real applications. For example, the metal ions and the organic ligands comprising the MOF structures are connected via coordination bonds that can lead to structures that possess both thermal and chemical instabilities (4, 5). As such, MOFs can readily undergo structural transformations under many circumstances, which include various thermal/vacuum treatments on activation, and exposure to air/moisture on handling, leading to irreversible damage (6-9). Although detrimental in most cases, the structural deformation can also be exploited to create strong binding sites that can enhance gas adsorption for sensing/storage purposes (10, 11).The signs of collapse and deformation of an MOF structure are usually captured by the disappearance, broadening, and/or shift of the powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) patterns. Unfortunately, the changes observed in the PXRD peaks do not provide detailed information regarding the degree of difference between the examined MOF and its idealized parent, crystalline material. Moreover, for severe degradation where material starts to become increasingly amorphous, it becomes very difficult to model these materials using any of the conventional computational techniques such as molecular simulations due to the absence of structural information.Here, we present a conceptual platform that uses a large amount of computational data to understand and to indirectly model these deformed, amorphous MOFs even with the lack of structural information. With significant prog...