The glycocalyx, a complex carbohydrate layer on cell
plays a crucial role in various biological processes. Understanding
native glycocalyces’ complexity is challenging due to their
intricate and dynamic nature. Simplified mimics of native glycocalyces
offer insights into glycocalyx functions but often lack molecular
precision and fail to replicate key features of the natural analogues
like molecular crowding and heteromultivalency. We introduce membrane-anchoring
precision glycomacromolecules synthesized via solid-phase polymer
synthesis (SPPoS) and thiol-induced, light-activated controlled radical
polymerization (TIRP), enabling the construction of crowded and heteromultivalent
glycocalyx mimetics with varying molecular weights and densities in
giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs). The incorporation and dynamics
of glycomacromolecules in the GUVs are examined via microscopy and
fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) and studies on lectin-carbohydrate-mediated
adhesion of GUVs reveal inhibitory and promotional adhesion effects
corresponding to different glycocalyx mimetic compositions, bridging
the gap between synthetic models and native analogues.