“…The six element monoid B 1 2 = 1, a, b | a 2 = b 2 = 0, aba = a, bab = b is the most ubiquitous minimal counterexample in problems relation to varieties of semigroups. The possible intractability of the computational problem of deciding membership of finite semigroups in the variety generated by B 1 2 is perhaps the most obvious unresolved problem relating to B 1 2 and so it is not surprising that this has appeared in a number of places in the literature including Problem 4 of Almeida [1, p. 441], Problem 3.11 of Kharlampovich and Sapir [23] and page 849 of Volkov, Gol ′ dberg and Kublanovksiȋ [38]. We now use the results of the previous section to show that this computational problem is NP-hard.…”