Megafloral change across the Permian-Triassic boundary is distinct but not very abrupt. The general composition of the flora is more or less similar in the Upper Permian-Lower Triassic time slice except for the appearance of a few significant taxa in the Lower Triassic, such as Lepidopteris and Dicroidium. The size of Glossopteris leaves becomes smaller in the Panchet beds. Dicroidium appeared a little later than Lepidopteris in the uppermost part of the Lower Triassic. Palynological studies of Panchet beds (Maitur Formation) indicate that striate disaccate rich mioflora gradually declines accompanied by the emergence of some new elements like-Decisporis, Verrucosisporites, Playfordiaspora and Arcuatipollenites (Lunatisporites). The megaspores - Banksisporites, Maiturisporites and Pantiella are confined to Panchet Formation only.