There exist multitude of therapeutic processes and the results are commonly observed during various dependent steps. For studying such processes that are referred to as multistage therapeutic processes, two concepts are of particular importance; risk adjustment and cascade property. To monitor such processes, a variety of control charts including model‐based control charts are used. In order to design model‐based control charts, analysts must first recognize a suitable model to identify the multistage processes by considering process risks and cascade property. Based on the identified model, the control charts can be proposed. In this study, a risk‐adjusted time‐variant linear state space model is introduced. Afterward, the model order and its parameters are estimated based on Hankel singular value decomposition (HSVD) and prediction error minimization (PEM) methods. Then, the group multivariate exponentially weighted moving average (GMEWMA) control chart is used to monitor a multistage multivariate therapeutic process. To evaluate the performance of the model‐based control chart, a simulation study as well as a two‐stage thyroid cancer surgery was used. Results show that the proposed control chart performs well for predicting and monitoring of multistage multivariate therapeutic processes in real world.