Link prediction is a fundamental problem in network analysis. In a complex network, links can be unreported and/or under detection limits due to heterogeneous noises and technical challenges during data collection.The incomplete network data can lead to an inaccurate inference of network based data analysis. We propose a new link prediction model that builds on the exponential random graph model (ERGM) by considering latent links as misclassified binary outcomes. We develop new algorithms to optimize model parameters and yield robust predictions of unobserved links. The new method is applied to a partially observed social network data and incomplete brain network data. The results demonstrate that our method outperforms the existing latent-contact prediction methods.Link Prediction for Incomplete Network Data , nodes. Exponential random graph models -ERGM (Snijders and Van Duijn, 2002) and latent space approach (Hoff et al., 2002) further improve the statistical properties of the parametric social network model. Efficient computational algorithms have been also been developed using advanced algorithms (Miller et al., 2009, Al Hasan et al., 2006, O'Madadhain et al., 2005. The parametric network models have been widely used for social network analysis.Recently, network models have also been successfully applied to complex brain connectome data analysis (Simpson et al., 2019). However, these parametric network models are built on completely observed network data (i.e. without latent links) and thus may not be directly applied to the incomplete network data for latent link prediction (Martínez et al., 2017).Predicting latent links in incomplete networks can be considered as a binary outcome prediction problem. However, the commonly used binary outcome predictive models and machine learning methods (e.g. gradient boosting and random forest) are limited for this purpose because the outcome labels in the training data are misclassified. To address this issue, non-parametric statistical methods have been used for link prediction which takes into account the network topology and structure without the requirement of correct labeling of the training set, thus are well-suited for the partially observed network data (Zhao et al., 2017;Zhang and Chen, 2018). The non-parametric models rely on similarity-based methods assuming that the nodes are more possible to have edges with other similar nodes. In addition, local, global and quasi-local approaches are further used to describe the topology information included in computing the similarity of nodes.In this article, we consider the unreported/undetected links as missclassified binary outcomes in the framework of statistical network analysis. The binary outcome misclassification problem has been well-studied in the statistical literature, for example, using logistic regression for epidemiological research (Lyles and Lin, 2010). The likelihood-based method under non-differential and differential outcome misclassifications assumptions can perform well to