Τhe performance of rescuers and personnel handling major emergencies or crisis events can be significantly improved through continuous training and through technology support. The work done in order to create a system has been discussed which can support both resources and victims during a crisis or major emergency event. More specifically, the system supports real-time management of firefighter teams, rescue teams, health services, and victims during a major disaster. It can be deployed in an ad hoc manner in the disaster area, as a standalone infrastructure (using its own telecommunications and power). It mainly consists of a control station, which is installed in the area command centre, the firefighters units, the rescuers units, the ambulance vehicles units, and the telemedicine units that can be used in order to support victim handling at the casualties clearing station. The system has been tested and improved through continuous communication with experts and through professional exercises; the results and conclusions are presented.1. Introduction: Recent crisis events and major emergencies have increased the need for more effective and accurate response procedures. Civilians involved in a crisis or major emergency event are becoming sensitive and demanding. First, responders such as firefighters and rescuers are the first groups that have to deal with such events, secure the area and enable immediate victim treatment and area evacuation in the case of a major emergency event.Management of first responders during crises or disasters is the major field of interest of this Letter. A recent report from the World Health Organisation [1] states that during the decade 2001-2010, an average of 700 disasters (flood, earthquakes etc.) were reported on an annual basis. These disasters affected around 270 million people. Deaths reported exceeded 130,000. Typically, after a disaster, the area infrastructure (telecommunications, electricity, building etc.) collapses. Civilians might respond in a chaotic way after a major emergency event, which is why first responders such as firefighters and rescuers need to take control and react in an effective and systematic way. Several issues can also arise among the members of the rescue groups; these could be related to coordination, decision making, and team collaboration, among others. These are issues that can be improved through continuous training before an event [2,3].Along these lines and having in mind the evolution of modern technology (portable devices, easily installed ad hoc networks, small medical devices etc.), we had designed, created, and tested a system which can be used during a crisis event such as a major accident, a terrorist attack, a natural disaster etc.). The system was developed based on the main axes described in the literature for effective emergency management: (i) mitigation, to prevent or lessen the impact of disaster; (ii) preparedness, which includes training and action plans; (iii) response, search and rescue activities; and (iv) recovery, resto...