This study evaluates the airborne microflora in research laboratories of the University of Chieti (Italy). A quali-quantitative evaluation of the index microbial air contamination was performed using the settle plate method. The microbial air contamination was evaluated during 6 months in three university buildings (A, B, and C). Nutrient agar plates were exposed, monthly, for 1 h at the morning and the afternoon to evaluate the colony forming units per plate per hour. Together with the quantitative analysis, the most frequent bacterial and fungal colonies isolated were also characterized. Moreover, in each sampling, the number of the occupants in each room was recorded to evaluate a possible relationship with the microbial pollution. The microbial concentration was always within the limit values defined for these environments. Buildings A and C displayed a seasonal fluctuation of airborne microflora with the increase in microbial concentration in the warmer season (April to June) in respect to the colder period (October to December). The most common microorganisms detected in the indoor air of the examined buildings were Gram-positive bacteria, belonged to the genera Staphylococcus, Bacillus, and Actinomyces. Data presented here underline the useful monitoring of the research university laboratories also emphasizing the effectiveness of the settle plate method.