Noisy Optimization with Evolution Strategies, Dirk V. Arnold ISBN: 1 -4020-7105-1 Classical and Evolutionary Algorithms in the Optimization of Optical Systems, Darko ISBN: 1-4020-7140-X Evolutionary Algorithms for Embedded System Design, edited by Rolf Drechsler, Nicole Drechsler: ISBN: 1-4020-7276-7Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Computation publishes research monographs, edited collections, and graduate-level texts in this rapidly growing field. Primary areas of coverage include the theory, implementation, and application of genetic algorithms (GAs), evolution strategies (ESs), evolutionary programming (EP), learning classifier systems (LCSs) and other variants of genetic and evolutionary computation (GEC). Proposals in related fields such as artificial life, adaptive behavior, artificial immune systems, agent-based systems, neural computing, fuzzy systems, and quantum computing will be considered for publication in this series as long as GEC techniques are part of or inspiration for the system being described. Manuscripts describing GEC applications in all areas of engineering, commerce, the sciences, and the humanities are encouraged.