The nonlinear wave pattern generated by a localized pressure source moving over a liquid free surface at speeds below the minimum phase speed (c min ) of linear gravity-capillary waves is investigated experimentally and theoretically. At these speeds, freely propagating fully localized solitary waves, or ''lumps,'' are known theoretically to be possible. For pressure-source speeds far below c min , the surface response is a local depression similar to the case with no forward speed. As the speed is increased, a critical value is reached c c % 0:9c min where there is an abrupt transition to a wavelike state that features a steady disturbance similar to a steep lump behind the pressure forcing. As the speed approaches c min , a second transition is found; the new state is unsteady and is characterized by continuous shedding of lumps from the tips of a V-shaped pattern. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.103.214502 PACS numbers: 47.35.Fg, 47.10.AÀ, 47.20.Ky Solitary waves are prominent nonlinear features of dispersive wave systems in various areas of physics [1][2][3]. Many key advances in understanding solitary waves were initiated by studies of waves on the free surface of a liquid. Most attention has been paid to solitary waves of the Korteweg-De Vries type [4,5], which bifurcate in the shallow-water limit. A different class of solitary waves, however, is possible on deep water [6][7][8][9] in the presence of gravity and surface tension; they bifurcate from linear sinusoidal waves at the minimum gravity-capillary phase speed, c min ¼ ffiffiffi 2 p ð g= Þ 1=4 , and propagate at speeds less than c min (g is the gravitational acceleration, the fluid density, and the surface tension). In dimensionless form, using L ¼ ð = gÞ 1=2 as the length scale and L=c min as the time scale, the dispersion relation for waves with frequency ! and wave number k isand the minimum of the phase speed !=k occurs at k ¼ k min ¼ 1. [14,15] and are stable at finite steepness [16]. On the experimental side, 2D steep-depression solitary waves have been generated by using an air jet from a narrow slit as forcing over a current with speed below c min [17]; however, persistent unsteadiness of the response due to cross-stream disturbances was also noted. In this Letter, we report on an experimental and theoretical investigation of gravity-capillary lumps generated by a localized pressure source moving at speeds below c min .The experiments were carried out in a water tank 7.3 m long and 76 cm wide with water depth of approximately 60 cm. The tank has glass walls and bottom for optical access. The surface tension was measured in situ with a Willhelmy plate and remained at ¼ 73 dyn=cm throughout the experiments. A pipe with inner diameter D ¼ 2:5 mm was mounted vertically to a carriage that rides on top of the tank. The open end of the pipe was positioned 1 cm above the water surface. The carriage was towed at various speeds by a servomotor with a precision of better than 0.3%. We define a speed parameter, ¼ c=c min , where c is the speed of the pipe-...