Abstract-Numerical simulations of complex earthquake cycles are conducted using a two-degree-of-freedom spring-block model with a rate-and state-friction law, which has been supported by laboratory experiments. The model consisted of two blocks coupled to each other and connected by elastic springs to a constant-velocity, moving driver. By widely and systematically varying the model parameters, various slip patterns were obtained, including the periodic recurrence of seismic and aseismic slip events, and several types of chaotic behaviour. The transition in the slip pattern from periodic to chaotic is examined using bifurcation diagrams. The model system exhibits typical period-doubling sequences for some parameter ranges, and attains chaotic motion. Simple relationships are found in iteration maps of the recurrence intervals of simulated earthquakes, suggesting that the simulated slip behaviour is deterministic chaos. Time evolutions of the cumulative slip distance in chaotic slip patterns are well approximated by a time-predictable model. In some cases, both seismic and aseismic slip events occur at a block, and aseismic slip events complicate the earthquake recurrence patterns.