The nonideal characteristics of the entire channel of satellite navigation signals from generation, propagation to reception will cause signal distortions, resulting in pseudorange biases. Such kind of biases cannot be eliminated by differential technologies and has become a core error source in high-accuracy applications. We study the theoretical model and implementation method of a pseudorange-bias-free linear channel. The ideal channel transfer function equation under the unbiased pseudorange requirement is first derived from the equivalent baseband model. Based on two corresponding criteria and the simulation of the influence of different amplitude- and phase-frequency responses, a digital phase compensation method based on an all-pass filter is proposed to eliminate pseudorange biases. Then the significant effects of the two phase equalizers are validated by a simulation example of the BPSK(10) signal. Finally, the real BDS3 PRN32 and PRN33 satellite B1C signals collected by a 40-m high-gain dish antenna are utilized to invert the channel transfer characteristics and processed by our software receiver. The measurement results demonstrate that the phase equalizers constructed according to either the linear phase criterion or the linear phase plus even-symmetric phase criterion can effectively reduce the pseudorange bias. The model and method provide a reference for payload and receiver optimization and are suitable for various signal structures and applications.