“…These inter-and intraexperiences allowed par2cipants to supersede barriers and join in the daily corporate rhythms of meal2me, commute, and social ac2vi2es, while also using the target language (Skillen, 2020;Eidoo et al, 2011). Reflec2ons based on these experiences prompted: (1) broader understandings of the nature of God and the Church (Edge & Khamsi, 2012;Erdvig, 2020;Poag & Sperandio, 2015), (2) the development of empathe2c connec2ons on a human level (Anderson et al, 2006;Bo7on, 2014;Renner et al, 2010;, and (3) an awareness and apprecia2on for suppor2ng local economies (Stebleton et al, 2013;Barbour, 2005;Poon Tip & Thomas 2021). Insights from these findings contributed to the on-going refinement of how to maximize one's 2me abroad as an opportunity to grow.…”