Birth is characterized by swift and complex transitions in hemodynamic and respiratory variables. Unrecognized pathologies or incidents may quickly become fatal or cause permanent damage. This article introduces an essential component of an acute perinatal care simulator, namely a model for educational simulation of normal hemodynamic transitions seen during and shortly after birth. We explicitly formulate educational objectives and adapt a preexisting model for the simulation of neonatal cardiovascular physiology to include essential aspects of fetal hemodynamics. From the scientific literature, we obtain model parameters that characterize these aspects quantitatively. The fetal model is controlled by a time-and event-based script of changes occurring at birth, such as onset of breathing and cord clamping, and the transitory phase up to 24 h after birth. Comparison of simulation results with published target data confirms that realistic simulated hemodynamic vital signs are achieved. (Pediatr Res 67: 158-165, 2010) P erinatal acute care is associated with specific clinical demands and challenges. The relatively small number of acute care cases occurring in many institutions, together with the presence of senior staff assuming the responsibility for their management, may hinder the establishment of adequate training for less experienced individuals. In other areas of acute care medicine, realistic simulators contribute to training of healthcare professionals and to patient safety.Clinically relevant learning objectives for medical staff in Neonatology include the recognition of cardiovascular signs and symptoms occurring in pathologies that manifest shortly after birth, such as persistent pulmonary hypertension, left ventricular overload by a patent ductus arteriosus (DA), myocardial depression, and hemorrhage.This article introduces a fundamental component of a perinatal acute care simulator, namely a simulation engine, for normal hemodynamic transitions from the fetal to the early neonatal period. A simulation engine can contribute to a life-like training environment by providing real-time, automatic evolution of clinical signs and monitored signals and of their response to therapeutic interventions. To be able to simulate normal physiology and provide a platform for future simulation of the above-mentioned incidents and pathologies, it is necessary that the engine reflect essential aspects of fetal hemodynamics and its subsequent transition to the neonate. Among others, structures such as lungs, placenta, heart, systemic arterial circulation, and the various fetal shunts need to be included. The simulation engine should be able to simulate realistic blood pressures and flow rates in these structures during fetal, transitional, and neonatal periods.
METHODSThe proposed simulation engine for normal hemodynamic transitions from the fetal to the early neonatal period consists of a fetal hemodynamic model controlled by a time-and event-based script (1). The script triggers events occurring at birth such ...