: Environmental problems and the shortage of natural resources are currently gathering more attention in Korea and international countries. With these problems, it is reported that most current domestic buildings are emitting approximately 138 million tons of greenhouse gas. According to a recent report from the investigation of Korean housing population, the total number of households is approximately 12.9 millions, and the apartments that were built more than 15 years ago amounted to 3.1 millions. This shows that the rates of old apartment housings are increasing. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the deteriorated facilities and environmental improvement. Also, the construction industry is benefited by improving these housings which may need either remodeling or reconstruction. Environmental friendly buildings are a rising consideration for remodeling and reconstruction projects; it helps to determine many business matters in construction. The main purpose of this research is to improve environmental condition in apartments with comparison analysis between remodeling and reconstruction alternatives. This research is focused on characteristics of remodeling and reconstruction and it sets up the same condition with each level in order to evaluate the value of environmental friendliness and analyze its definition. The result of this research provides a unique emitting rate at a novel framework and this will cause the reduction of CO2. It is analyzed that the remodeling construction can reduce the great amount of CO2. Therefore, it will be a good decision guideline in selecting the most eco-friendly alternative to improve environment for building construction. Although reconstruction is a popular alternative nowadays in Korea, this research can provide a reason why decision makers should put more emphasis on remodeling as an environment-friendly alternative.