The sequence of a rat pancreatic lipasc mRNA was dctrrmincd. The data have been assigned the followingaccession number, X61925, in the EMBIdata library. The total length of the mcsscngcr is 1531 nuclcotidcs. plus a poly(A) stretch of about 60 nucleotidcs. A 72-nuclcotida 5'-noncoding region is followed by a I4 19-n ucleotidcs open reading frame which encodes a protein of473 amino acids, including the I7 amino acid signal pcptidc. The mature enzyme (456 rcsiducs) has 6 additional C-terminal amino acids, as compared with the amino acid scqucncc of pig (direct amino acid sequence). dog. man snd rat isocnzymc rrom Cicnbank. M583G9 (all deduced from the nuclcotidc scqucncc). A higher degree of homology cxisls bctwccn the amino ucid scqucncc of rat mature cnzymc with those of dog (88%), pig (75%) and man (75%) than with that of rat isolipasc (74%).Rat pancreas lipasr; Nuclcotidc sequencePancreatic lipase (triacylglycerol acyl hydrolase, EC 3.1. I .3) the physiological function of which is to hydrolyze dietary triacylglycerols in the duodenum, plays an important role in fat metabolism. The enzyme prcferentially splits the esters of long-chain fatty acids at positions 1 and 3, producing mainly 2-monoacylglycerol and free fatty acids. and shows considerably higher activity against insoluble emulsified substrates than against soluble ones. The first step of the catalysis is an adsorption of the enzyme to the water-lipid interface [I]. The presence of various amphiphiles such as bile salts, by accumulating at the interface of emulsified particles, hinders lipase adsorption and completely abolishes lipase activity [2,3]. To overcome such an inhibition, pancreatic lipase must bind another protein, colipase, which, by adsorbing to the amphiphile covered interfaces, allows lipasc to gain access to the substrate [4].We have recently reported the nucleotide sequence of rat pancreatic colipase mRNA [S]. In this paper, we determined the nucleotide sequence of a rat pancreatic lipase cDNA and its deduced amino acid sequence (accession number in the EMBL Data Library, X61925). The comparison of the polypeptide chain sequence identity with another from rat (Genbank M58369), obtained in Dr. Mark E. Lowe's Laboratory (Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, USA), as well as with those from other species, will help, in conjunction with site-specific mutagenesis, in defining residues essential for interaction with colipase and lipids. We also report the partial nucleotide sequence of another cDNA clone. which is half-length and presents unambiguously some minor changes, This may reflect the cloning of 2 closely related, perhaps allelic, pancreatic lipase mRNAs. The construction of a rat pancreatic cDNA library in pUC9 has been reported [6]. Rat &t I I library was from Clontcch (Calif'ornia, USA). cDNA inserts of interest from the phage library were subcloncd into dephosphorylatcd and EcoRl-digested pUCI8 plasmids Tar prcparutive growth. Rat pancreatic libraries were screened with a canine pancrtxtic lipasc cDNA [7], radiolab...