The quasisteady structure of the corona of a laser-irradiated pellet is completely determined for arbitrary Z, (ion charge number} and r e /r a (ratio of critical and ablation radii), and for heat-flux saturation factor/above approximately 0.04. The ion-to-electron temperature ratio at r c grows sensibly with Z,; all other quantities depend weakly and nonmonotonically on Z,. For r c /r a close to unity, and all Z, of interest (Z, < 47}, the flow is subsonic at r c . For a given laser power W, flux saturation may decrease (low/) or increase (high/) the ablation pressure P a relative to the value obtained when saturation is not considered; in some cases a decrease in/with W fixed increases P a . For intermediate^ ~0.1), P a cc (W/r* ) 2/3 p\ n \p c = critical density), independently of r c /r a ; for/~0.6, P a «s larger by a factor of about [r c /r a f 13 . For rjr a > 1.2 roughly, the mass ablation rate is C{Z,) [{m/kZ.f^Kr^Pl) l, \ independent of p c and/, and barely dependent on Z,(m, is ion mass; k, Boltzmann's constant; K, conductivity coefficient; and C, a tabulated function).