-Infections of the gastrointestinal tract with parasitic nematodes remain one of the main limiting factors in grazing dairy goats. The usual mode of control of these parasitic diseases has up to now been based on the repeated use of anthelmintics. However, the prevalence rates of anthelmintic resistances, in particular to benzimidazoles, are now particularly high in the French dairy goat production. This situation makes it mandatory to reconsider the usual mode of control of these nematodes and to look for short term, alternative solutions which combine the control of gastrointestinal infections and management of anthelmintic resistances. One of the possible options is to leave a part of the flock without treatment during the grazing season in order to maintain alleles of susceptibility to anthelmintics within the worm populations. Previous epidemiological observations identifying the categories of host populations at risk are presented which provide the rationale for targeted applications of treatments. The results of assays on experimental flocks and from farm surveys examining the advantages and drawbacks of selective treatments are presented. The value of these results in combination with other alternative solutions of control are discussed in order to use minimum treatments with maximum benefits. dairy goat / anthelmintic / selective treatment / anthelmintic resistance / parasitic nematode Résumé -Maîtrise des strongyloses gastro intestinales chez les chèvres laitières par l'application de traitements ciblés. Les infestations par les nématodes du tractus gastro intestinal demeurent un des principaux facteurs limitant à l'élevage des chèvres laitières au pâturage. Le mode usuel de maîtrise de ce parasitisme reposait jusqu'à présent sur un usage répété de molécules anthelminthiques. Cependant, la prévalence des lignées résistantes aux anthelminthiques, en particulier aux benzimidazoles, en éle-vage caprin laitier en France, est désormais très élevée. Ce constat oblige à rechercher rapidement des 531