In this paper, a depth-bistatic bottom reverberation model that employs the ray theory is presented. The model can be applied to an active towed array in the ocean. The reverberation time series are modeled under the depth-bistatic assumption and their Doppler shift is calculated based on the actual source–receiver geometry. This model can handle N × 2D range-dependent bathymetry, the geometry of a triplet array, and the Doppler motion of the source, targets, and receiver. The model predictions are compared with the mid-frequency reverberation data measured by an active triplet towed array during August 2015 in the East Sea, Korea. These data are collected with a variable depth source at mid-frequency and the triplet line array in a deep-water environment. Model predictions of the beam time series and its spectrogram are in good agreement with the measurement. In particular, we discuss the effects of the source and receiver depths on the reverberation in deep water observed in both the measured and modeled results.