SOHO, the European Space Agency (ESA) solar observation satellite, has experienced a large number of single event effects (SEEs) since its launch in December 1995. This paper details events believed to be induced by cosmic rays or protons. Self-switch-off power supply events in the service module and in the payload module will be detailed as well as single event upsets (SEUs) in the solid-state recorder (SSR) and in the global oscillation at low frequency (GOLF) instrument. Power system events are believed to originate from transient SEUs in linear components. SSR and GOLF SEUs are seen to respond to solar particle events. Relevant ground verification testing will be presented and upset predictions are compared with observations.
Index Terms-Single-event effect (SEE) ground testing, SEE observations, SEE predictions, single-event transient (SET), singleevent upset (SEU), SOHO satellite.