With reference to the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP), the financial budget provided for a specific project constitutes a fundamental constraint to be taken into account in the selection phase of the initiatives to be carried out. In the present research, a methodological approach based on an optimization algorithm that allows one to minimize the differential between the assessed costs and the budget provided for the project, has been defined. The methodology is organized in three phases and, by borrowing the logic of the Operational Research, aims to minimize the gap between the costs assessed by the expert technician and the final costs, in order to fit the preliminary set budget. In this sense, the developed tool constitutes an effective support for Public Administrations and private investors for choosing the investments to be implemented, in order to identify the best initiatives in which to allocate the public funding, by preventing needless waste of limited financial resources that could be invested in alternative interventions, and to generate further benefits for the communities.