The granitic pluton of Cairnsmore of Fleet was intruded into the Moffat Shales (Caradoc-Fronian) and an overlying flysch facies. The flysch is divisible into two formations: the Craignell Formation, in the NW of the area, and the Knockeans Formation, to the SE. Within the Craignell Formation, an evolution of greywacke facies from basic through lithic to silicic is recognized, the base being diachronous from Idwian in the SE upwards to early Fronian in the NW. The Knockeans Formation, deduced to be the youngest unit, completes the evolutionary sequence of the greywackes from basic to a silicic facies, and is correlated with the Hawick Group (Telychian or later). The anomalous NW encroachment of flysch over pelagic facies may relate to a sedimentary source within a ridge located along the Iapetus oceanic suture.