The effect of small-angle scattering on the line shape of the radiofrequency size effect is calculated for the Fermi surface models discussed in Part L By considering a model scattering probability that is uniform up to a maximum angle ot and zero thereafter, it is shown that the line shape undergoes a pronounced narrowing as a is varied from the effective regime (a > 8) to the ineffective regime (a < 8), where 8 is the skin depth relative to the plate thickness. Further, it is shown that scattering by Debye phonons leads to similar results. In the effective regime the resonance amplitude is proportional to T 3 and the width is temperatt~re independent. In the ineffective regime the resonance structure is co.nfined to a region about the onset with its amplitude 3 and width varying as T and T, respectively. This structureis followed by an exponentially decaying "tail" whose amplitude varies as T 5. Because of the manner in which the scattering angles are distributed, the transition region between regimes is about an order of magnitude larger than predicted by the frst scattering model and encompasses approximately two decades in temperature.