The model is presented to describe the f2(1270) meson photoproduction as a result of pionpion interactions in the final state. Treating tensor mesons as objects dynamically created due to final state interactions is a convenient and straightforward way to employ data from ππ scattering like phase shifts and inelasticities for description of (photo)production reactions while retaining proper analytical structure of amplitudes, two particle unitarity and crossing symmetry. The model presented here can provide experimentally testable quantities like differential cross sections and ππ mass distributions as well as the strengths of partial waves corresponding to various f2(1270) helicities which are essential for partial wave analyses. It can also be used to compute moments of angular distribution and spin density matrix elements where partial wave interference effects are important.PACS numbers: 13.60. Le,
I. INTRODUCTIONDescription of the spectrum of resonances observed in the ππ (and KK) system and excited in photon nucleon collisions is one of the most challenging problems of hadron spectroscopy. In the diffractive region of high energies and low momentum transfers, this reaction is dominated by vector meson production generated by Pomeron exchange, and its theory is quite firm [1][2][3]. In the lower energies, the P -wave π + π − photoproduction was described in terms of the t-channel exchange of Reggeons [4,5]. Attempts have also been made to include the intermediate nucleon resonances through various s-channel and u-channel mechanisms [6][7][8]. For the photoproduction of the S-wave and D-wave resonances, the situation is not clear both experimentally and theoretically. Because of small photoproduction cross sections, they are very difficult to observe in mass distributions. So the method of choice is to analyze the interference patterns of the weak S-and D-wave amplitudes with dominant P -wave amplitude. The partial wave interference can be conveniently analyzed with moments of pion angular distribution or spin density matrix elements. Such an approach was employed in a recent analysis of the reaction γp → π + π − p performed by the CLAS group at Jefferson Laboratory, where the first observation of f 0 (980) photoproduction was reported [9]. The same experiment saw the f 2 (1270) signal, which previously was also observed by Hermes experiment at Deutsches ElektronenSynchrotron using similar methods [10]. The apparent sensitivity of moments analysis in the search for a sig- * Corresponding † Corresponding of rare resonances has a reverse, however, namely, that it requires proper accounting for all relevant production mechanisms. Nevertheless this method has been successfully employed to extract the f 0 (980) and a 0 (980) from the photoproduced KK spectrum [11] and f 0 (980) from the π + π − spectrum [12]. The amplitude of f 2 (1270) photoproduction is the necessary ingredient in order to properly describe the partial wave interference pa...