Locomotion control in mammals has been hypothesized to be governed by a central pattern generator (CPG) located in the circuitry of the spinal cord. The most common model of the CPG is the half center model, where two pools of neurons generate alternating, oscillatory activity. In this model, the pools reciprocally inhibit each other ensuring alternating activity. There is experimental support for reciprocal inhibition. However another crucial part of the half center model is a self inhibitory mechanism which prevents the neurons of each individual pool from infinite firing. Self-inhibition is hence necessary to obtain alternating activity. But critical parts of the experimental bases for the proposed mechanisms for self-inhibition were obtained in vitro, in preparations of juvenile animals. The commonly used adaptation of spike firing does not appear to be present in adult animals in vivo. We therefore modeled several possible self inhibitory mechanisms for locomotor control. Based on currently published data, previously proposed hypotheses of the self inhibitory mechanism, necessary to support the CPG hypothesis, seems to be put into question by functional evaluation tests or by in vivo data. This opens for alternative explanations of how locomotion activity patterns in the adult mammal could be generated.
Author summaryLocomotion control in animals is hypothesized to be controlled through an intrinsic central pattern generator in the spinal cord. This was proposed over a hundred years ago and has subsequently been formed into a consistent theory, through experimentation and computer modeling. However, critical data that support the neuronal circuitry mechanisms underpinning this theory has been obtained in experiments that greatly differ from intact animals. We propose, after trying to fill in this critical part, that new ideas are required to explain locomotion of intact animals. 14 alternating oscillation in activity between the two half centers. The alternation would 15 ensure left right alternation and alternation between antagonists. This model would 16 explain locomotion in decerebrated animals [1], fictive locomotion [5] and locomotion 17 patterns in intact animals [6]. Neurophysiological evidence for a circuit fitting the half 18 center model was found [7] and subsequently substantiated by further findings [8-10]. 19The half center is a key component of computational and other models of the 20 CPG [5,6,[11][12][13][14]. Asymmetric half center models have been proposed to explain 21 alternation between flexor and extensor [15]. We focus on the symmetric case.
22Experimental studies show that reciprocal inhibition is necessary to ensure left right 23 alternation [16], hence reciprocal inhibition must be present in the CPG.
24However, it was already noted that two groups of neurons inhibiting each other are 25 not sufficient to generate oscillation [1,7]. We will formally demonstrate why this is the 26 case using a mean field model. Without a mechanism that stops neurons from indefinite 27 activity, one h...