The mind mapping technique is an innovative learning approach that can creatively develop ideas. This research aims to determine the use of mind mapping to improve the descriptive text writing skills of 7th-grade students at SMP Negeri 1 Glenmore. The method used in this research is Classroom Action Research (CAR) or action research involving 2 cycles, with each cycle consisting of 2 meetings. From the research results, the researcher found that the mind mapping technique can enhance the descriptive text writing skills of the students. The average scores of the students before and after being taught using the mind mapping technique show that before the intervention (58.81), in the first cycle (67.40), and in the second cycle (71.14). It can be concluded that there is an improvement in the students' descriptive text writing skills. In conclusion, English learning with the application of the mind mapping technique to enhance descriptive text writing skills has a significant impact on the learning outcomes of 7th-grade students at SMP Negeri 1 Glenmore.