This paper deals with the offline resolution of nonlinear multiscale problems leading to a PGD-reduced model from which one can derive microinformation which is suitable for design. Here, we focus on an improvement to the Proper Generalized Decomposition (PGD) technique which is used for the calculation of the homogenized operator and which plays a central role in our multiscale computational strategy. This homogenized behavior is calculated offline using the LATIN multiscale strategy, and PGD leads to a drastic reduction in CPU cost. Indeed, the multiscale aspect of the LATIN method is based on splitting the unknowns between a macroscale and a microcomplement. This macroscale is used to capture the homogenized behavior of the structure and then to accelerate the convergence of the iterative algorithm. The novelty of this work lies in the reduction of the computation cost of building the homogenized operator. In order to do that, the problems defined within each subdomain are solved using a new PGD representation of the unknowns in which the separation of the unknowns is performed not only in time and in space, but also in terms of the interface macrodisplacements. The numerical example presented shows that the convergence rate of the approach is not affected by this new representation and that a significant reduction in computation cost can be achieved, particularly in the case of nonlinear behavior. The technique used herein is then particularly important to enhance the performances of the LATIN strategy but is not limited to this method. The more general path which is followed in this paper is to solve the microproblems arising in the homogenization for all the configurations that can be encountered in the calculation. An additional and novel benefit of this approach is that it includes the calculation of the homogenized tangent operator which gives, over the whole time interval and for any cell, the relation between the perturbation in terms of macroforces and the perturbation in terms of macrodisplacements. In linear viscoelasticity, this operator represents the homogenized behavior of the structure exactly