A B S T R A C T The present study aims at explaining the synergistic effect of environmental media and stress/strain on fatigue lives of aluminium alloys. Rotating bending fatigue tests were carried out using four different aluminium alloys LY12-CZ, 2024-T4, 7475-T7351 and 7075-T651, at air state, 3.5% and 5.0% NaCl aqueous solutions. These results indicated that synergistic actions of the environmental media and cyclic loading accelerated the fatigue crack propagation of aluminium alloys. Furthermore, various influence factors (such as solution concentration, cyclic numbers, high (low) strength aluminium alloys etc.) of the fatigue life at synergistic actions of the environmental media and stress were quantificationally discussed in this paper.Keywords aluminium alloy; corrosion environment; fatigue life; fracture behaviour; synergistic effect.
N O M E N C L A T U R Eα = the stress concentration factor (1.08) B, C = the distance between adjacent striations, respectively d, L = the geometry size, respectively g = the acceleration of gravity (9.8 m/s 2 ) N f = number of cycles to failure σ = stress amplitude (MPa) R = stress ratio
I N T R O D U C T I O NThere have been growing interests in light metals, such as aluminium, magnesium and titanium-aluminium alloys, which have been widely applied to aeronautic and automotive industries because of their high strength-toweight ratios, 1-3 but improvements are needed in their fatigue properties, 4-8 very high-cycle fatigue behaviour of aluminium alloys 9-11 and some factors of high humidity on fatigue properties of aluminium alloys.
12As one of the important materials in aeronautic and automotive structures, the aluminium alloy is usually directly exposed to the corrosive environment with stress/strain, 13 in which the corrosive fatigue cracking mechanism is rather a complex process and needs to be deeply understood. More data, especially fatigue properties in such an environment, are crucial for safety. In recent years, many studies have focused on the fatigue behaviour of Al alloys in the corrosive environment.14 Li et al.
15estimated the effect of pre-corrosion states on the fatigue microcrack initiation and early stage propagation behaviour of 6151-T6 aluminium alloy based on scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in situ observation. Hui et al. 16 and Qian et al.14 conducted fatigue life tests in the laboratory air and salt water environment by using several pre-corrosion 7XXX aluminium alloys and a structural steel 40Cr and reported that the salt water environment significantly reduced the fatigue performance, especially under low stress amplitude and the fatigue life is about 2.2% of that at air state. These results indicated that the effect of different pre-corrosion states on the fatigue damage of aluminium alloys is mainly producing more stress concentration sites (or pits) and inducing more fatigue cracks. Zhang et al.
17proposed a novel model to predict the residual fatigue life of 2A12 aluminium alloy subjected to alternating corrosion and fatigue based on the ...