Human performance monitoring has become a core matter of maritime industry since crew error ratios cannot be reduced to the desired level. This study develops an approach to conduct human reliability analysis (HRA) via knowledge-based system in order to minimize the operational problems that may arise from human errors on-board ships. The model base of the system takes the advantage of human error assessment and reduction technique (HEART) which is robust tool in reliability assessment. The main role of programming language in the system is to transform operational task scenarios in database into meaningful information to quantify two key parameters (i.e. GTT, EPC) sensitively. The system is expected to support shipboard organizations to monitor, identify, prioritize and implement the remedial measures to mitigate the human error in ship operational level. The aim of this article is to provide advance support through the WP#4 (Model Development) and WP#6 (Application Interface Design) of the research project entitled "Human Reliability Analysis and Monitoring System Proposal in Shipboard Operations (H-RAMS)" (Project no: 114M352) supported by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK). In consequent, the study has both methodological and practical values in knowledge based systems and ship operations modeling.